I finally got compiz to work on my box, in the end going with the method for FC5 seems like the best route. I replaced the compiz in FC6 with the one from fedoraxgl.tuxfamily, this made the biggest difference. I'm using version 30.3 of the ATI driver, for now I'm using the installer instead of the rpm. The instructions at fedoraxgl.tuxfamily are what I followed in the end.
I did have to add a few symlinks, linking the fglrx files in /usr/X11R6/lib/ installed by the ATI installer fixed my issues. If you can get glxinfo to say direct rendering, then you are set. I tried both beryl and compiz compilations from cvs, but the compiz included at tuxfamily was the only one that worked.
It is possible, I'll see if I can get some rpms made to make installation a bit more straight-forward. For now I'll post my xorg.conf and gdm config (custom.conf).
Good luck!
xorg.conf | custom.conf