After upgrading from ie6 to ie7 for our crossover pro users, we found that they were all getting the runonce page ( and couldn't get rid of it. Searching the codeweaver support site didn't help, the only advice given there was to ignore the issue.
I wanted to run a script against my netapp to delete some snapshots pragmatically, I used to use rsh for that sort of thing, but rsh is considered evil these days... I found this post, the guy in the post says it doesn't work, but it worked perfectly for me...
I was trying to update some information in my filer using options and running into a wall, so I thought I'd try filerview. On Mac,Linux, Windows it wouldn't work. I kept getting the same error: Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.netapp.admin.FilerAutosupportConfigUIApplet.class
I had a few requests to get this working on our workstations. I managed to get a working version hacked together. I'm still working on making a proper package, at the moment it's just a binary rpm. I managed to get a working rpm that builds itself properly using a vlc hack. The problem is that the import of gtk in a few python scripts causes rpmbuild to go looking for a DISPLAY, using vlc, I circumvented that obstacle. I also manually resize the png's since our version of nautilus doesn't seem to handle it itself...
To list the package groups available in yum, you would use yum grouplist. When you are adding groups to your kickstart file, you use the id of the group not the name, so this *very* simple script lists the groups with their ids.
In the process of munging our RHEL5 kickstarts to RHEL6, we started getting this error "Partition requires a size specification", the partition had a size of 0 set in the kickstart, with grow.
My problem is that I wanted to filter access on a raid array instead of doing it on the switch. I could login to the switch and figure out the linux hba's wwn (world-wide-name), but I thought there must be a way to get it from the linux machine directly.
I had a problem with a filesystem that was full on a vm. The vm's hard drive is just a lun on a fibre channel. So I resized the lun on the raid controller. The devices (/dev/sdx) for the drive noticed the new size after I did the usual scan and partprobe, but the multipath device didn't see the new size and was working off the old size. After some digging I found this page on how to get multipathd to notice the new size. I'll summarise here.
While attempting to monitor traffic on a qlogic Sanbox 5602 I noticed that the traffic (connUnitPortStatCountTxObjects) was being returned as a hexadecimal value with spaces in it (e.g. Hex-STRING: 00 00 00 00 01 4F E1 1B).
We often need to keep two directories on different machines synchronised. We would like the rsync to be secure and to only allow the rsync, no shell access. This method uses ssh keys with commands in authorized_keys.