Scenario I
Backup directory /mnt/one from server pris to client directory /home/user/two on client deckard by initiating the the copy from the client deckard. (i.e. send files from the server to the client)
- create ssh keys using ssh-keygen
[user@deckard ~]$ cd .ssh [user@deckard .ssh]$ ssh-keygen -t dsa -f deckard Generating public/private dsa key pair. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in deckard. Your public key has been saved in The key fingerprint is: 17:f4:69:30:6c:67:5a:73:2e:6f:ba:4b:8b:94:2a:f9 The key's randomart image is: +--[ DSA 1024]----+ | .+ | | .o+=.. | | ..=++ | | .o. . | | S . o | | . . o | | . o .o | | o o o.. | | oE . +o | +-----------------+
- create a new user for the sync operation and copy the public key you just created to pris
[root@pris ~]# useradd deckardsync [root@pris ~]# su - deckardsync [deckardsync@pris ~]$ mkdir .ssh [deckardsync@pris ~]$ cd .ssh [deckardsync@pris .ssh]$ scp user@deckard:.ssh/ authorized_keys 100% 1194 1.2KB/s 00:00
- make the /mnt/one directory accessible to deckardsync (or ideally owned by this user)
[root@pris ~]# chown deckardsync /mnt/one
- edit authorized_keys and add the commands for rsync into the key
Note: there are no line breaks in the above key... the file has only one line.command="rsync --server --sender -vlogDtprCz . /mnt/one/" ssh-dss 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
- copy something into /mnt/one on pris
[root@pris ~]# cd /mnt/one [root@pris one]# cp -a /usr/share/doc/rsync-2.6.8 .
- start rsync on deckard using the ssh key
[user@deckard .ssh]$ rsync -e 'ssh -i deckard -l deckardsync' -Cavz pris:/mnt/one /home/user/two/ receiving file list ... done ./ rsync-2.6.8/ rsync-2.6.8/COPYING rsync-2.6.8/README rsync-2.6.8/tech_report.tex sent 98 bytes received 14416 bytes 29028.00 bytes/sec total size is 36507 speedup is 2.52 [user@deckard .ssh]$ ls ~/two rsync-2.6.8
Scenario II
Backup directory /home/user/two from client deckard to server directory /mnt/three on server prisThe steps involved here are essentially the same with only one small change in the authorized_keys, drop the --sender option to rsync (since pris is no longer the sender)
- create new ssh key for the transfer in this direction.
[user@deckard .ssh]$ ssh-keygen -t dsa -f pris Generating public/private dsa key pair. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in pris. Your public key has been saved in The key fingerprint is: 75:67:7a:ca:2f:b2:11:f4:83:50:27:07:50:0b:55:a3 The key's randomart image is: +--[ DSA 1024]----+ | o+*o= | | o * . | | . E . o | | + + + | | S o + . | | o + | | . o | | .... | | .o .. | +-----------------+
- copy the key to pris and append it to authorized_keys
[root@pris .ssh]# scp user@deckard:.ssh/ . user@deckard's password: 100% 617 0.6KB/s 00:00 [root@pris .ssh]# echo -n 'command="rsync --server -vlogDtprCz . /mnt/three" ' >>authorized_keys [root@pris .ssh]# cat >>authorized_keys
- initiate the transfer from deckard, this time acting as the sender not the receiver (flip sender for receiver)
[user@deckard .ssh]$ rsync -e 'ssh -i pris -l deckardsync' -Cavz /home/user/two/ pris:/mnt/three building file list ... done ./ rsync-2.6.8/ rsync-2.6.8/COPYING rsync-2.6.8/README rsync-2.6.8/tech_report.tex sent 14422 bytes received 98 bytes 29040.00 bytes/sec total size is 36507 speedup is 2.51