[root@burnaby ~]# rpm -ql VMware-server |grep tar$
[root@burnaby ~]#
Now, unpack these, then move them aside, vmware-config will use these tar files, so we'll replace them with patched ones.
[root@burnaby ~]# cd /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source
[root@burnaby source]# tar xf vmmon.tar
[root@burnaby source]# tar xf vmnet.tar
[root@burnaby source]# cp vmmon.tar vmmon.tar.orig
[root@burnaby source]# cp vmnet.tar vmnet.tar.orig
Now patch them with the patches I found here: plus one more patch for good measure from me (a one liner).
vmmon-2.6.24.patch vmnet-2.6.24.patch vmmon-asm.patch
[root@burnaby source]# patch -p0
Now, make new tar files for the vmware-config script to pick up.
[root@burnaby source]# tar cf vmmon.tar vmmon-only
[root@burnaby source]# tar cf vmnet.tar vmnet-only
[root@burnaby source]#
And you are done, now when you run vmware-config.pl, it will pickup the new tar files and compile cleanly.