
amalgamation \amalg
logical and \wedge ∧
asterix \ast
logical or \vee ∨
bullet \bullet • ¬ logical not \neg ¬
circle \circ
minus - −
circle, big \bigcirc
minus plus \mp
circled division slash \oslash
± plus minus \pm ±
circled dot operator \odot
set minus \setminus
circled minus \ominus
square cap \sqcap
circled plus \oplus
square cup \sqcup
circled times \otimes
star operator \star
dagger \dagger
× times \times ×
double dagger \ddagger
normal subgroup of \lhd
diamond operator \diamond
normal subgroup of \triangleleft
÷ divide \div ÷ contains as normal subgroup \rhd
dot operator \cdot ⋅ contains as normal subgroup \triangleright
increment, big \bigtrangleup
union \cup ∪
intersection \cap ∩ multiset union \uplus
wreath product \wr