Nokogiri install on MacOSX

By thomas, 12 July, 2019

Getting nokogiri to install was failing for me. I'm using bundler and needed nokogiri. Gem is trying to compile it and failing on libxml2.

At first I tried using the libxml from brew, that that didn't work, so specified where to find XCode's version of libxml in my bundle config.

BUNDLE_BUILD__NOKOGIRI: "--use-system-libraries=true --with-xml2-include=/Applications/"

You might need to tweak the MacOSX10.14.sdk part, that's for Mojave, I've been using this line for a while, and just updated from 10.12->10.13->10.14.

I also like to install the gems in my home directory, so I add the following to my bundle config:
BUNDLE_PATH: "/Users/thomas/.gem"