I ran into a problem when applying the new selinux policy from RH, they have added support for qemu/kvm to the policy, which is great but blows up on my fibre channel disks. I tried to create an selinux module to fix the problem but kept getting this:
[root@hypervisor kvm]# semodule -i kvmmultipath.pp
libsepol.check_assertion_helper: assertion on line 0 violated by allow qemu_t fixed_disk_device_t:blk_file { write };
libsepol.check_assertion_helper: assertion on line 0 violated by allow qemu_t fixed_disk_device_t:blk_file { read };
libsepol.check_assertions: 2 assertion violations occured
libsemanage.semanage_expand_sandbox: Expand module failed
semodule: Failed!
My te file looked like this:
module kvmmultipath 1.0;
require {
type fixed_disk_device_t;
type qemu_t;
class file { read write getattr };
class blk_file { read write getattr };
#============= qemu_t ==============
allow qemu_t fixed_disk_device_t:blk_file { read write getattr };
The problem here is that blk_file isn't just a simple class, it relies on file. I tried including file, but that didn't work either. The solution was to read the manual :-( and use the devel package. I installed selinux-policy-devel and looked at the include files, the one of interest here is /usr/share/selinux/devel/include/kernel/storage.if which defines a interfaces called storage_raw_read_fixed_disk and storage_raw_write_fixed_disk. Using these interfaces instead of the allow statement fixed the problem. To use these interfaces, I had to change the policy definition to use the macro policy_module also. I then used the Makefile in devel to make the module.
policy_module(kvmmultipath, 1.0);
require {
type fixed_disk_device_t;
type qemu_t;
class file { read write getattr };
class blk_file { read write getattr };
#============= qemu_t ==============
To build the module:
[root@hypervisor kvm]# pwd
[root@hypervisor kvm]# ls
[root@hypervisor kvm]# make -f ../Makefile
Compiling targeted kvmmultipath module
/usr/bin/checkmodule: loading policy configuration from tmp/kvmmultipath.tmp
/usr/bin/checkmodule: policy configuration loaded
/usr/bin/checkmodule: writing binary representation (version 6) to tmp/kvmmultipath.mod
Creating targeted kvmmultipath.pp policy package
rm tmp/kvmmultipath.mod.fc tmp/kvmmultipath.mod
[root@hypervisor kvm]# semodule -i kvmmultipath.pp
Yay, kvm's can access the fibre channel again..now to upgrade the rest of the hypervisors.