I've been running into the 800 node limit on mcollective and splitting up my nodes into subcollectives. I had a spot where I couldn't split up the nodes, so I started looking at why we were hitting this 800 node wall.

I'm using activemq with the ssl plugin, after turning on all the debugging I could find in activemq, it turns out it's just a simple resource limit problem.

I wanted to apply puppet classes to a node using a script, I started looking at the foreman REST API but stumbled upon the foreman_api ruby. I specified hostgroups in foreman and added puppet classes to the hostgroups. The idea is that I want to be able to change the hostgroups using a script.

Running things through irb this is what I came up with for changing the hostgroups.


require 'rubygems'
require 'foreman_api'


My puppet book was released July 25th on Packtpub.com

You can also grab a copy from Amazon or O'reilly

Contest! Win a copy of the book

August 14 - 21, 2014

Winners will be announced shortly, contest closed Thursday August 22 at midnight PDT

While configuring OMD (yes, Orchestral Manoeuvers in the Dark, no, not really) I ran into a point at which apache was supposed to run as the OMD user for check_mk. Hard coded into the check_mk configuration is a call to

sudo su - check_mk -c check_mk\ --automation\ *

I'm not sure of the utility of this, but maybe it'll be useful to someone else. I was requested to output all the facts from a system in xml, not wanting to type much I made the following script...

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'facter'
require 'rubygems'
require 'activesupport'

facts = {}

for fact in Facter.list.sort
facts[fact] = Facter.value(fact)

xml = facts.to_xml(:root => "facts")

print xml

The output looks like the following:


machine A ( provides resource A on port 8888
machine B ( needs to access resource A

without modifying machine B (not allowed), create machine C and have any traffic to machine C on port 8888 forwarded to machine A. Then tell machine B that machine C is machine A and nobody is the wiser. None of the examples I found online had this working properly.

I routinely used to transfer data between systems using rsync. Since I wanted the communication to be secure I used ssh-keys, I noticed that my trick for using a command in the key isn't terribly well documented, so here is how I do it...

Goal: Keep /opt/before on machine B in sync with /opt/after on machine A.

On machine A, create an ssh key for this

$ ssh-keygen -f id_rsync

I was trying to allow a user to sudo to another account and run a specific command. I'm not a fan of getting them to run through su since it doesn't make much sense to involve a third tool in the equation. I could get it working with the following:

theiruser ALL=(runasuser) NOPASSWD:/usr/local/bin/script.sh

Trying to fix an issue with snmp, I started by building an snmp module using audit2allow. It kept failing to load, and the error message is a little cryptic...

[root@host thomas]# semodule -i snmp.pp
libsepol.print_missing_requirements: snmp's global requirements were not met: type/attribute snmpd_t (No such file or directory).
libsemanage.semanage_link_sandbox: Link packages failed (No such file or directory).
semodule: Failed!

The .te file for the module looks like this:

Had an sssd process spinning and using 100% cpu. Did an strace on it and saw that it was complaining about too many open files.

pid accept(24, 0xaddress, [110]) = -1 EMFILE (Too many open files)

getting the number of open files for the process.

# lsof -p $(pidof sssd_pam) |wc -l

Looking at the limits for sssd, I saw that the nofile was set to 1024, which appears to be the default everywhere I tried.