Script: iptohex

No error checking, just a simple time saver. Converts an ipaddress into hexadecimal suitable for use by tftp tools and pxe booting. The builtin command gethostip does this also, I include the script incase someone finds it useful.





if [ x${IPADDR}x = xx ]; then
echo "usage: $0 "
exit 1

Unabashedly simple scripts that I use. Hopefully someone will find them useful.
I'm Thomas H. Uphill, my son is Noah (he's on the banner sometimes), my daughter is Aunjanue.

My father's name is Dennis H. Uphill, he's also known as Dr. Video or Dr. Science. He has a penchant for detail and problem solving. He's a strong union supporter, which he comes by naturally...

His father was Norman H. Uphill, he was a Union Executive for the Pipefitters and Steamfitters Union Local 170. His Union duties came to him naturally also...

My info
Recently some laptops in our network stopped downloading virus definitions. Our firewall was configured to allow traffic from the wireless vlan to our server
There is an excellent package for working with an iPod on Linux. gtkpod. Since version 0.99.2 it supports importing of Video's
My co-worker just got an iPod so I thought I would try and encode a DVD onto it (an unencrypted DVD that I own, for backup purposes only, not to be used for public performances, etc, only I looked at it, I shut it off when someone looked over my shoulder...blah blah). The ffmpeg that comes stock on RHEL4 is insufficient to do the transcoding. I built a newer version and mucked around a bit and got this going. I have a simple wrapper (there are numerous versions of such scripts floating around).

This happens to me when I'm importing photographs, I end up with files called .JPG or .jpeg and I prefer .jpg.

for file in *.JPG
mv $file `basename $file .JPG`.jpg

The command rename does this same thing nicely, but knowing the for loop way can be more useful sometimes...and if you didn't know about rename, then I guess that would be useful too.

rename .JPG .jpg *.JPG

Say you have some files named a100 to a200 that you want to rename to b200 to b100 (it really does happen).

for x in `seq 100 200`
   mv a$x b$((y--))

seq is a fairly useful tool, it can also take a reversed list.

for x in `seq 200 -1 100`
printf "$x "